Yes. there are various targeted economic measures, as announced by the UK / Scots Gov this week.
Links are below, and we advise you to review with urgency your own organisation’s eligibility, as support levels will vary. You can review the government’s guidance on business support here.
The Boxfish team have been working hard on behalf of our clients and we have spoken with all suppliers this week and urge you to email us either to your normal contact or at your contact details and concerns and we will call you to assist by advising feedback from your particular supplier .
No. You must keep your payments and payment plans up to date, as
failure to do so may affect the ability to negotiate with suppliers later
when needed. We strongly advise you contact us as stated above.
Suppliers are still operating but call lines are with a 3hour waiting time is some cases as they are inundated with an unprecedented level of calls. This means in the short term they will be Overwhelmed . We have spoken to them and can advise you on your businesses concerns if you email us at Hello@weareboxfish