
For almost 150 years, Robertson’s Fine Foods have been producing a wide range of top-quality pork products, including genuine Ayrshire bacon.


We were appointed to carry out a comprehensive audit of water and trade effluent services at the Robertson’s Fine Foods production facility.


The audit included a detailed examination of invoices, a site inspection, and the installation of a data logger—allowing analysis of the water consumption patterns based on half-hourly readings. This uncovered discrepancies in the invoices which indicated that the client had been overcharged.

The Boxfish team disputed the charges with the supplier and successfully secured a rebate, as well as correcting billing errors to achieve annual savings.


Annual savings

I would absolutely recommend Boxfish to any other organisation, for their honesty and integrity. They were very good at proactive energy procurement, so they look ahead at the market and they’ll give you feedback on that very quickly. Over the past three years, they’ve helped us save in the region of £60,000.


Fill in the form or call us on 0141 226 8525 to get your free, no-obligation review.