
Critiqom Limited, based just outside Glasgow, provide a range of specialist mailroom services to their diverse client baseincluding data management, document composition, printing and personalisation, postal optimisation, scanning, archiving, and virtual support.


Since 2015, we’ve been providing comprehensive utility management support across the Critiqom portfolio—including the procurement of gas, electricity and water contracts, ongoing contract and supplier management, as well as dispute resolution advice.


The Boxfish team have delivered a wide range of benefits to Critiqom since the start of the contract, including direct financial savings via our comprehensive energy and water tendering process, and dispute resolution supportwhich resulted in a substantial water leak rebate being credited back to the client. As part of the contract, we have also developed a range of bespoke data and budgeting reports to assist with internal requirements.


Saved on energy & water
Water rebate

Having worked with other brokers and third party intermediates in the past, we were looking for more transparency and independence from our utility partner. Boxfish promised a more open and impartial approach to the management of our utilities that would put our needs first and I can say they’ve delivered on these promises. We’ve built a successful relationship with the Boxfish team over the years and view them as an integral partner for our business.


Fill in the form or call us on 0141 226 8525 to get your free, no-obligation review.